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Staff Picks: Spring Sneakers Edition

By: Harry Rosen StaffDate: 2022-01-25

If you’re even half as obsessed with clothing and style as us, there’s a good chance you also often catch yourself planning outfits and purchases months in advance of when you’ll actually get to wear them.

However, knowing exactly what to look out for so far ahead of time can be challenging. To help us with that, let us defer to our knowledgeable and tasteful staff. In this edition, a few sneaker options for the coming spring.

Andy, Production Manager

“I’m always looking for comfort and ease of wear, so I love these slip-on Triple Stitch Canvas Sneakers from Zegna. They've taken a classic silhouette and modernized it with the signature couture Triple Stitch acting as the laces. Best of all it comes in every possible fabrication and design style - suede, pebbled deerskin, and woven pelle tessuto in so many colours.

I wear a lot of suits, but not necessarily as a mandate for work — I just like to wear stylish suits. The Triple Stitch sneakers pair perfectly with something a bit more dressed up, but grounds the entire look down. The Zegna Triple Stitch sneaker offers an easy silhouette but with a bit more refinement than one usually gets from your typical sneaker, and that’s why I’ll be wearing them a lot this spring.”

Christine, Creative Director

“I wore my New Balance 327s pretty much all summer long last year and have nothing but nice things to say about them. They’re so lightweight and comfortable they essentially feel like walking on air –– easily the most comfortable pair I own.

Additionally, they're not too fussy and pair well with more than you might imagine. I started out with basic shorts, jeans, and the rest, but slowly realized the more I branched out, the more these sneakers just ‘worked’ with everything else I threw at them. I’m looking at picking up a pair of these XC-72s for this year, which are just a slight variation of the 327.”

Raymond; Clothing Advisor, Bloor Street

“Men have a few garments that can truly show off their individuality, and shoes are definitely one of them. The comfort derived from wearing this sock-like sneaker from Henderson is tremendous — it’s like wearing your favourite pair of bedroom slippers! And the best part is, they go with pretty much everything because of their neutral colourway.

Most people would stop at pairing this sneaker with simple blue jeans, but I love creating high-low juxtapositions with more formal attire too. Push the envelope with this everyday essential sneaker and wear them with lightweight, pleated wool drawstring trousers, a thin cashmere sweater, and a casual sports jacket. Or, pair them with some slim cotton pants, a T-Shirt, and a work-shirt — then, finish it all off with a pocket square you can confidently say ‘I’m dressed’.”

TAGS:#Style Advice,#Staff Picks,#Sneakers,