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A Trip to Brunello Cucinelli’s Solomeo

We travelled to Solomeo – and the picturesque headquarters of Brunello Cucinelli in the heart of Italy. There we saw first-hand a place that runs on care, dignity and a beautiful culture that leads to beautiful clothes.

By: Ben KrizDate: 2022-09-08

When you arrive in the picturesque medieval hamlet of Solomeo, Umbria, and step inside the nearby palatial headquarters of Brunello Cucinelli—as is the Italian custom—you will immediately be offered coffee. You will naturally accept. An espresso will be handed to you in fine Brunello Cucinelli-branded cups and saucers. Then, you will notice the two sugar packets sitting on the saucers in the perfect shade of brown, also adorned with Brunello Cucinelli's wordmark (you will use one and pocket the other as a souvenir). The coffee will be excellent.

When you take a tour of the factory, where around 700 employees dedicated to quality and craftsmanship handmake hundreds of fine Brunello Cucinelli garments every day, you’ll find that the even factory workers look every bit the part, dressed in grey Brunello Cucinelli T-shirts as they delicately weave and hand-check a bevy of beautifully knit garments.

You will also notice that the tones often found in his collections—browns, beiges, navies, and whites; colours that express lightness but also convey relaxation—are all represented in the offices themselves. These colours are inspired by the headquarters' surroundings, nestled in a valley in the Umbrian hills. Additionally, you will find that the factory itself has been designed with enormous floor-to-ceiling windows that let in as much light as possible.

The world-building Mr. Cucinelli and his team have done in Solomeo is as meticulous as one of his soft cotton T-shirts. Visually, it couldn't be more stunning or impressive. However, if Solomeo's focus were solely on aesthetics, that would be one thing. What is truly remarkable is that it goes much deeper.

For Cucinelli himself, Solomeo seems to represent the essence not only of his business but also of his family (who also reside in the hamlet) and his employees' spiritual lives.

This drive to create a place that caters to those around him originates from Brunello's childhood as the son of a peasant farmer. After many years of struggling to provide for his family, Brunello's father exchanged rural life for a job at a cement factory in the city. However, the work was dehumanizing, and Cucinelli Sr. was regularly humiliated by his boss. As Brunello recalls, his father came home one day and asked what he had done to offend God to be so demeaned. His father's hardships convinced him to dedicate his life to "the dignity of humankind."

Decades ago, Solomeo was suffering a fate many villages in Italy still confront—the population was abandoning the community for the city, taking their unique traditions and skills with them.

Fortuitously for the area, Brunello's wife Federica grew up there. In 1985, Brunello relocated his burgeoning business to the hamlet and never looked back. Since then, he has dedicated many years and invested millions in rebuilding the community, providing employment, and offering fulfilling work.

Initially, the business was situated at the top of the hill in a refurbished 14th-century castle, but it was later moved to the valley below, occupying a facility of over 430,000 square feet, now employing literally half the town's population. The parish church, dedicated to Saint Bartholomew, was also renovated, and a library and a theatre were constructed (hosting productions by notable thespians such as John Malkovich). Additionally, he erected a grand travertine marble monument "to human dignity."

Currently, the castle houses the brand's School of Craftsmanship, where new generations are taught the skills and care essential not only for continuing the traditions of the region but also for creating the beautiful garments we all cherish.

"You have to properly compensate the people working with you because you have to convince them to follow the path of craftsmanship," Co-CEO Riccardo Stefanelli emphasized from his office in Solomeo. "You have to persuade the sons and daughters of our supply chain, of our suppliers, to follow in their parents' footsteps. But if you don't pay well, they will never follow. They will never fall in love with this beautiful work of craftsmanship, quality, and fashion."

In Solomeo, employees are deeply connected to the region's traditions and craftsmanship, as well as to a high quality of life.

While the cushy campuses of Silicon Valley or the tech offices in Toronto offer unlimited snacks and nap pods to keep their employees close to their desks and maximize productivity, in Solomeo, Brunello's entire staff enjoys an hour-and-a-half lunch break. They can either savor a multi-course lunch in the company restaurant (with views of the hills) or return home to eat with their families.

Touring the factory and the offices, the staff members appear content and wear smiles, reflecting a great deal of pride in their work.

Brunello Cucinelli's employees receive compensation well above industry standards, and he places a priority on family and tradition in an industry plagued by low-cost labor and poor working conditions. It is crucial that Brunello Cucinelli leads by example, as his collections must reflect the lifestyle he and his staff live.

As Luca Lisadoni, the company's other Co-CEO, expressed, "I see our creativity nourished by the beauty of our landscape and flourishing amidst the serenity of our country life. I always discuss this with my team; I like to imagine that through the softness of our cashmere, the comfort of our pants, or the fit of our jackets, customers from all over the world can, for a moment, experience the pleasant sensations often associated with our Italian lifestyle."

And what an attractive lifestyle it is.

Attention to detail, execution, and meaningful relationships have been the values upon which Harry Rosen was built, ever since Harry himself founded the company. Therefore, it's no surprise that we have always enjoyed an exceptional relationship with Brunello Cucinelli. It's heartening to witness a man giving back and doing good, even as his company has expanded globally and gone public.

As we departed Solomeo, the warm glow of the sunset caressing the hills, we reflected on the rich culture of this place that recognizes its people as an integral part of creating beautiful clothing. The exceptionally high standards and effortless luxury contribute significantly to its allure, but you can also sense the dignity shining through in every garment.

Discover the F/W ’22 Collection

Made in Italy craftsmanship gives life to Brunello Cucinelli’s refined and contemporary new collection.
Harry's Picks from the New Collection
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